
"Susan worked for us as a night nanny when we had our triplets. They were 11 weeks premature and a couple of months after they came home, we were ready to start sleep training. She worked with us 5 nights a week for about 7 weeks to help them sleep through the night.

She did a wonderful job keeping them on their sleep & feeding schedules. She also washed & prepared bottles for their next feeding, did their laundry, organized the children's areas, and really did just about anything "child" related that could be done during the time she was on duty. Of course, she also needed sleep, but it was amazing what she could get done during the evening.

I can't tell you how much I looked forward to those 5 nights! My husband was in his busy season at work and unable to assist with night feedings so I was solo for daytime and nighttime...that is, solo until we discovered Susan.

Knowing that I could get some much needed rest during the evenings was a luxury that I didn't take for granted!"

Julia L.

"She's very knowledgeable, caring and has a magical way of getting your child to sleep in their crib for 12 hours...straight ๐Ÿ˜Š"

Devan P.

"Susan has a wonderful method and system she uses... she will happily go along with whatever you want to do if you want things done a certain way! I have to say though after trying things my way her system worked great and everything she recommended was just perfect! All the products she recommended were a huge help! I stayed up the first few nights with her and instantly could see that my babies (newborn twins) were in very good hands and being extremely well cared for! I felt so comfortable the nights Susan was there! She will care for your babies with so much love and gentleness it is very comforting to see. I would highly recommend Susan!"

Karen L.

"My husband and I hired Susan when our daughter was 5 months old. At the time she was not sleeping throughout the night. Within a few weeks Susan successfully transitioned her into her crib and gradually weaned her from night feedings. At first we were apprehensive about having a stranger caring for our baby during the night but felt comfortable with Susan as soon as we met her! We continue to utilize Susan's services for child care for our daughter. We are so happy that we found her when we did! "

Melanie G.

"We hired Susan as a night nanny for our twins when they were seven weeks old. She came highly recommended by moms of twins and triplets.

She is amazing with children and incredibly trustworthy. We were so fortunate to have Susan help us through those difficult early months."

Jillian F.

"We met Susan just after the twins were born and I realized I couldn't do it all by myself. She organized, night nursed and helped us learn so many things about our new path. To this day almost 7 years later the children still love to be with her."

Erin F.

"Thank you for being there when I was a new mom with a lot of doubts, confusion and fear.  With your help, support and guidance I became a confident Mother!"

Sweta P.

"Susan is the best! We couldn't have made it through our first few months with twins without her. She'd come at 11pm and care for the twins all night so we could get some rest. Thank you Susan!!!!!"

Jessica N.


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